How to find work after studying in Australia

Find out how to find work after graduating.

The benefits of graduating with an Australian qualification

An Australian qualification will make you a valuable employee, both in Australia and around the world. Having an internship or work experience during or after your studies will better prepare you for work with up-to-date, practical skills and help you stand out when applying for jobs.

If you want to stay in Australia

Do you want to stay in Australia after your studies? You’ll need to get a new visa that lets you do this. 

Your options include:

  • If you have a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree, you may be eligible for the Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) Post-Study Work stream.
  • An Australian employer may be able to sponsor you for a new visa. To explore this option, talk to the employer’s Human Resources team.
  • You can submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through SkillSelect for a visa to live and work in Australia. 

Education providers and government bodies across Australia help connect students with potential employers through Career fairs, employment hubs, job boards and industry networking. Making the most of these services can help start your career.

Graduate opportunities

Many of Australia’s leading organisations, across a range of industries and sectors, offer graduate programs. These programs start signing up students up to one year in advance. Graduate opportunities are also advertised on the following job search platforms:

If you decide to find a job overseas

Employers worldwide, across many different industries, recognise Australian qualifications. Australian universities and colleges have global networks and can help you connect with employers overseas. 

Networking through alumni groups

The Global Study Australia community has over three million alumni across 192 countries. Joining an Australian alumni group in Australia, your home country or anywhere in the world can help you stay connected to fellow alumni who work in your field. 

Alumni networks also provide access to social events and activities; you can even use your experience and contacts to help other students and graduates.