Friendly and welcoming communities

International students from all over the world are welcomed by Australia’s friendly, vibrant and multicultural communities.

  • Australia's culturally diverse communities make it a special place to live. Almost a third of the population was born overseas and 23 per cent speak a language other than English at home.
  • When you study in Australia, you will also join a vibrant international student community. More than half a million international students from 192 countries choose to study in Australia.
  • From the moment you arrive in Australia, you can expect to feel welcome. There are student welcome services at every international airport to help you find your way around your new home.

A safe place to live and study 

Australia is a popular destination for international students because of its reputation as a safe place to live and study. 

Personal and religious freedom
  • In Australia, people are encouraged to respect the rights and freedoms of others, no matter where they come from, their political choices or religion. Whether you practise Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity or any other religion, you will find communities and places of worship where you can connect with people of the same faith.  You can feel safe to practise your chosen faith with laws that protect your religious freedom.
  • Australia is one of the world’s most politically stable countries.  The country’s leaders are elected through a process that is transparent and fair. 
  • Citizens enjoy freedom of speech and individual rights. 
  • Australia's long-term stability is backed by a well-established system of law and government that protects the individual rights of citizens and visitors.

Find out how your rights will be protected in Australia.

A high standard of living
  • Australia has a high standard of living supported by an educated workforce and a high level of innovation. 
  • The quality of education, healthcare, transport, infrastructure and government services in Australia are all above international averages.
  • Australian cities and towns have some of the lowest crime rates in the world. Our streets and public spaces offer security and freedom not always found in other parts of the world. 
  • Strict laws protect Australia's clean, green environments so you can enjoy a safe and healthy environment, including in our cities and regional centres.  

Food to suit every taste

Whether you’re looking for a taste of home or you want to try something new you will be spoilt for choice in Australia. 

  • Thanks to Australia’s diverse, multicultural population and clean, green environments, our food scene is thriving.
  • Fertile rural and coastal regions supply healthy produce to supermarkets in cities and towns nationwide. This means you can enjoy fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and seafood all year.
  • Australia enjoys a rich variety of food from around the world. You can find almost every international cuisine in restaurants, cafés, takeaway eateries and hotels across the country.
  • During your stay, you will also have plenty of opportunities to try traditional Aussie foods like Vegemite, ANZAC biscuits, Tim Tams, and Lamingtons.

Relaxed lifestyle 

People in Australia are known for their love of the outdoors, laid-back approach to life, and weekend café culture. 

  • As most of Australia’s major cities are found along the coastline, many people go to the beach for a swim or to the park for lunch.
  • Café culture is a big part of the lifestyle too. You will always find people enjoying a relaxed brunch (a mixture of breakfast and lunch) on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Watching or playing sports is a common way to relax and socialise. Cricket and Australian Rules football (AFL) are popular, as are rugby league (NRL), tennis, swimming, surfing, field hockey, basketball, soccer, netball and cycling.
  • Australia's varied landscapes provide plenty of opportunities to keep active by going hiking or exploring the national parks and nature reserves in and around the cities. 
  • Australia also has a thriving arts and culture scene. Most cities and towns are home to museums, art galleries, theatres and entertainment venues.