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Masterclass: When big data meets AI 

With the surge of big data collected from billions of devices, data analytics techniques provide the potential to reveal new insights and in doing so transform business and society. Despite the opportunities presented by big data and data analytics, organizations must also be aware of information abuse risk. 

The advances in big data and data analytics bring the potential to unlock great value but also the risk of information abuse, which is referred to as - the compromise of information for which the data stakeholders are not willing to disclose. In this masterclass, Associate Professor Gang Li will introduce several scenarios where personal privacy can be compromised during the data release, analyse the procedure, and then review the scope of differential privacy.

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Big Data presents opportunities to learn new insights, join me as I shine a light on the opportunities and challenges of the big data era.

Associate Professor Gang Li, School of Info Technology, Deakin University.

Video: 40 minutes 46 seconds

About the academic presenter

Associate Professor Gang Li, School of Info Technology, Deakin University

Gang Li, associate professor in the school of IT, Deakin University (Australia). He serves on the IEEE Data Mining and Big Data Analytics Technical Committee (2017 Vice Chair), IEEE Enterprise Information Systems Technical Committee, IEEE Enterprise Architecture and Engineering Technical Committee, and as the chair for IEEE Task Force on Educational Data Mining.  

He is an associate editor for Journal of Travel Research (Sage), Decision Support Systems (Elsevier), IEEE Access (IEEE), Information Discovery & Delivery (Emerald) and Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences (Springer).