chevron_right Mengapa Australia
Australia sangat ideal bagi mahasiswa internasional, dengan pendidikan berkualitas tinggi, budaya yang ramah, kota pelajar yang semarak, dan lingkungan alam yang indah.
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Australia memiliki beragam lembaga pendidikan, termasuk universitas, lembaga pendidikan kejuruan dan pelatihan, sekolah, dan perguruan tinggi bahasa Inggris.
chevron_right Kehidupan di Australia
Hidup di Australia menawarkan budaya yang hangat dan beragam, standar hidup yang tinggi, akses ke layanan dukungan mahasiswa, dan masih banyak lagi kepada mahasiswa internasional.
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Temukan informasi yang Anda perlukan sebagai mahasiswa internasional untuk pindah ke Australia dan mempersiapkan Anda untuk meraih kesuksesan.
chevron_right Bekerja di Australia
Mahasiswa internasional di Australia dapat bekerja sambil belajar, dengan akses ke berbagai pilihan untuk membangun jaringan dan mendapatkan pengalaman industri yang berharga.
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Showing all recent news articles
23 News articles
21 March 2024
5 February 2024
Applications for the 2025 Australia Awards Scholarships round are now open.
22 December 2023
Memperkuat integritas dan kualitas program Pendidikan Australia, serta perlindungan dan dukungan untuk anda.
3 November 2023
New measures have been announced to support the highest quality student experience in Australia.
8 September 2023
Concurrent enrolments are now closed to international students in the first six months of study.
6 September 2023
The Australian Government has announced an increase to the amount of savings international students will need to apply for a student visa.
5 September 2023
The Australian Government has announced it is closing the Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408) referred to as the Pandemic Event visa.
25 August 2023
The Department of Home Affairs is streamlining Australia’s visa system and process.
3 May 2023
Following an Australian Government review of the migration system, a new discussion paper has now been released.
14 March 2023
Dr Al Neyadi will be the United Arab Emirates’ second-ever astronaut, and the first Emirati astronaut to take on the six-month long mission.
Why Australia
Australian qualifications are globally ranked and highly respected. Your studies could be the first step towards your dream career.
Life in Australia
Explore the diverse range of Australian study locations and find the perfect place for you.
Plan your move
Everything you need to know about different visas for students and graduates, and how to apply.